Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Langdale Pikes

Tuesday 29th September 2015

Couldn't let this spell of great weather pass without getting out. My only problem was deciding where to go. Eventually pick Langdale and a climb out of the valley that I have not done since my rock climbing days over 25 years ago. 
I park near the New DG and take the path south of Dungeon Gill up Mark Gate. Memories of toiling up here in the afternoon sun with a sack of climbing gear and then running back down as darkness was coming to catch last orders in the pub.

As the path levels out below Loft Crag I take a faint trod and contour below Gimmer Crag, around the toe of the buttress and scramble up the west side of the crag. It is a brilliant piece of rock and I pick out the lines of past glories. Kipling Groove, Springbank, F Route, Equus. 

Can you spot the climbers?

I scramble up the rest of the gully and head for Pike 'O' Stickle. Then back to Loft Crag because I have never actually been to the summit before. The views are fantastic.

Then it is on to Harrison Stickle. Thunacar Knott and Pavey Ark. I descend the gully east of the crag and then cut back to the shore of Stickle Tarn. I am tempted by Jacks Rake but decide to leave it for another day. Instead I run around the tarn and then cross the shoulder of Harrison Stickle and descend to Pike Howe then back to the car. 

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