The weather was poor in the morning but set to improve later in the day. So after a bit of work we head over to Keswick. It is pretty miserable through Ambleside and Grasmere but over Dunmail things get better. Patches of blue sky appear and the summits start to emerge.
We park up and set off on the days adventure. This basically einvolved a circuit of the main street going in and out of all the usual gear shops with a stop for soup and sandwiches in one of Keswicks fine cafes.
Each time I step outside and look up Skiddaw becomes more and more splendid. Bathed in the afternoon light. The dying bracken glowing orange highlighted by the dark patches of heather. The summit sporting the lightest sprinkling of snow.
But I have had a stinking cold since Monday and not been out making this even more hard to take.
Being ill really sucks!!
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