Saturday, 2 March 2013

Black Combe race

Saturday 2nd March 2012

Always a good way to kick off the racing year. If you have not already done 10 Winter League races. Back to the usual start and finish as the fields were relatively dry. My warm up felt OK but the race start was terrible. Heavy legs and hard work but I am determined to keep running until the steepness of Seaness prevents it.

I deliberately set a steady pace to the summit of Black Combe, perhaps too steady as I feel out of place in the field. In the mist now but I get the right line around to White Combe and gain a few places and a few more down to the fodder rack and river crossing. Now the real work begins. Surprisingly I feel better than I thought I would. I start to gain on the group ahead but am passed by 4 or 5 runners. However I 'dig in' as they say and by the summit I feel good and have caught then all up.

The mist has come right in now and I ignore everyone else and take my own line back to the main path. This works well as I pass all but one without even seeing them. I chase this runner all the way down slowly gaining. Approaching the finish I finally catch them and although crossing the line behind them my better dibber technique enables me rightly or wrongly to be placed ahead of them in the results ( sorry Anna).

My time is 5 minutes slower than I would like but that is usually the case these days. But I am still relatively pleased. The pie peas back in the village hall were very welcome. And all for £6. This really in one of the best races in the calendar.


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