Sunday, 29 July 2012

Adductor and out

So the worst has happened. An adductor strain a week before the UTLD 50 has put me out of the event.
I tried to be positive and hoped some treatment etc might see me able to start but in the end it was very apparent that I had little chance of completing.

I settle for a a short walk/jog to give some support to runners on Garburn Pass. Some were in better shape than others! The run back to my car left me in little doubt that I had made the right decision.

I have resisted the urge to lock myself in a dark room or take to serious alcohol consumption and vow to recover and get fit asap.

As for entering again next year. A big ?


Friday, 6 July 2012

Injuries and fustration

So after recovering form a niggle in February in time for the Highlander and doing OK. Twisting and ankle the following weekend and recovering from that in time for Martin's BG. Getting a rib injury on Scafell Pike which came back to scupper our chances on the LAMM. I have now gone and done my back whilst getting something from the fridge.

Resulting in no running and so no blogging. And lots of frustration. However I seem to be recovering now and might just with a bit of luck manage to hobble around the UTLD 50 miles.

If anything else goes wrong you may find me sitting in a dark room rocking backwards and forwards mumbling to myself.

Keep smiling.
