Black Combe Fell Race. Saturday 3rd March 2012
I was very apprehensive about doing this again. It is one of those races where, even if you have done it before, it is easy to go wrong in bad weather. I was determined to get it right this time. The other reason for entering was to get some climbing in before the up coming MM's.
The forecast wasn't great but improving from 12 noon onwards. As it turned out this was spot on. Rain on the journey and low cloud when we arrived at Silecroft. We couldn't even see the first checkpoint, Seaness. After registration and chatting to friends we could see blue sky approaching and by the start all but the very summit of Black Combe was cloud free.
Because of the wet fields the start and finish was moved much closer to the fell gate. Just after noon we were off and into the short but steep first climb. I go very steady hoping this will pay off later. The main path to the summit is not steep and runnable for me if fit. Not so today. Runners I am normally up with are not far ahead so I am happy with that. The summit arrives and the mist is light enough to easily get the right route off.
After a short descent White Combe comes into view, on the run round I pick up a few places. Not least because after turning at the top of White Combe beck a brief hail shower comes in and people stop to put cags on. I look west and see it should only be brief so carry on. The hail is accompanied by a strong breeze and legs, arms and face are battered. It stings a lot. I run with my hand over my ear. A lot of runners finish with what looks like a nasty rash on the right hand side of any exposed parts.
Sorry about the quality of the photo. It is hard to photograph your own leg, the indoor lighting doesn't help. Anyway I hope you see what I mean.
I gain more places on the descent to the Fodder Rack and beck bottom. Then it is into the climb back up all the way to the South Summit. I expect to die here and suffer a lot but am surprisingly into a good pace and manage to keep it going. I even gain on a few and pass them near the top. Runners leave the checkpoint down the "racing line". I take my line further right to join the main path sooner. This works well and I gain half a dozen places.
2 or 3 more places gained on the descent and the finish comes into site. I hear feet behind me and so speed up but cannot shake them off. With 40 yards to go we are neck and neck. Ben warns me that the dibber boxes at the finish are in a tricky, slippy place so I just hold back in the last few yards allowing the other runner to out sprint me. This works well as he overshoots the line and I dib before him. Only 1 place by 1 second but it is a race. Even if I had thought I had given that sort of thing up.
Good runs also from Helm Hillers. Ben, Chris, Stewart, Lindsay, Steve and Victoria.
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